• 10 Uses

      Free Upon Registration

      Free / per month
      Free / per year
      - Basic data analysis and visualization;
      - Pre-built machine learning models;
      - Access to public datasets;
      - Simple natural language processing;
      - Basic image recognition;
      Try Free
    • 10 Uses

      Free Upon Registration

      Free / per year
      - Basic data analysis and visualization;
      - Pre-built machine learning models;
      - Access to public datasets;
      - Simple natural language processing;
      - Basic image recognition;
      Try Free
    • 100 uses

      Included in the Subscription

      $100 / per month
      $1100 / per year
      - Advanced machine learning models;
      - Custom model training;
      - High-performance computing resources;
      - Robust natural language processing;
      - Advanced computer vision;
    • 100 uses

      Included in the Subscription

      $1100 / per year
      - Advanced machine learning models;
      - Custom model training;
      - High-performance computing resources;
      - Robust natural language processing;
      - Advanced computer vision;
    • 300 uses

      Included in the Subscription

      $300 / per month
      $3000 / per year
      - Advanced chatbot development tools;
      - Data cleansing and enrichment services;
      - Enterprise-level security;
      - Advanced predictive analytics;
      - AI-powered recommendation engines;
    • 300 uses

      Included in the Subscription

      $3000 / per year
      - Advanced chatbot development tools;
      - Data cleansing and enrichment services;
      - Enterprise-level security;
      - Advanced predictive analytics;
      - AI-powered recommendation engines;

AI Solution For
Your Business

Sed ut persiciatis unde omnis ste natus error voupttem accusantiu laudaintium, totaim aperiaim, eaque quaeilo Lorem ipsum doloramet, consectietuer adipiscing.

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    Our Team Members

    AI Design Specialist

    Ellie Design

    Zendesk Application AI Engineer

    Ava Zend

    AI Prompt Engineer

    Leo Prompt

    Salesforce Application Engineer

    Max Force


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    It’s like having access to a team of experienced writers producing powerful content for you in one click.